Winner Poetry Film Festival Vienna 2015

Art Visuals & Poetry Film Award  2015

Der Art Visuals & Poetry Film Award  2015 went to the film maker Matthias Zuder and the poet Valerie Fritsch for their film  “Aus dem Auge”
(2013, German with English subtitles, 10:28 Min. )

Honorable Mentions
 Clara Wieck “Palatka” 2015,  7:57 Min.
                                                        Gudrun Krebitz “Shut up Moon” 2014,  4:10 Min.

For more information about the films check

Release of the new novel “Odysseus X” in April 2015

The novel “Odysseus X” by Sigrun Höllrigl will be released in April 2015

Buch2-ohne credits

Readings & Presentations of the Novel “Odysseus X” :

– May 15, 11:40 to 12 am: radio presentation with reading on state radio station ORF Ö1
– May 15 reading by the author Sigrun Höllrigl at bookshop Orlando, Liechstensteinstraße 17, 1090 Wien. Discussion with the psychotherapist and sociologist Charlotte Spitzer about female positions.
– May 18, reading by Sigrun Höllrigl together with the writer Sophie Reyer presenting the novel in the publishing house edition keiper, Puchstrasse 17, 8020 Graz.

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