Novel writing
Sigrun Höllrigls’ second novel “Das Lager”/The Camp was published in November 2016 by edition keiper Graz.
Presentation November, 3, 2016 Art happening & Präsentation including live painting.
Orderings via book stores or via Amazon.

The story:
The librarian Paul Friess dissappears from one day to another. After a while he comes back thinking, that he has been arrested in a prison in the mountains, where people were tortured. By accident he managed to escape. Back in town, he can not remember due to lacks of memory, what exactly happened. At the police station he can not answer the most important questions, who should have kidnapped him and why.
From that point on Pauls’ normal life is out of control. He retires from his girlfriend and friends and tries to find out what happened. In the library he finds a new friend, a professor. He tries to help Paul. Paul fells in love again, but a strange car accident seperates him from his beloved woman. At the end a doctor helps him to memorize what could have happened in these 20 days of being lost.
- Hardcover edition: 206 pages
- publisher: edition keiper; Auflage: 1., edition keiper, Graz ( November ,1 2016)
- language: German
- ISBN-10: 390290118 ISBN-13: 978-3902901187
The Novel „Das Lager” on Amazon
Sigrun Höllrigl about the novel:
„The wilderness of the mountains in Crete and the history of resistance in Crete during World War 2 have influenced me creating this story.